Wednesday, July 10, 2013

My Prayers to God with Psalms of David

Psalms Chater 2
1.Lord keep me away from plotting wickedness against others
2.Lord let me be not against your anointed ones
3.Lord let me not wrestle through flesh, but rather wrestle against darkness of the world
4.Lord let me not be your mock
5.Lord rescue me from your anger and have mercy
6.Lord you dwell in mount zion
7.Lord I will proclaim your kingdom, for your my father and Iam your son
8.Lord I will call upon you for you prosper me.
9.Lord thank you for giving me the authority of being your son and claim victory over darkness
10.Lord fill me with your wisdom to lead my life in this world.
11.Lord I fear and rejoice in your name with gladness.
12.Lord I trust in you.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Praying to God with the Psalms of David

Psalms Chapter 1
1.God release me from the seat of mockers.
2.God every day give me your words and let me delight in it.
3.God let me be like the tree planted by the streams of water, yielding fruit in season,whose leaf never wither and
whatever they do prosper.
4.God help never to be wicked
5.God guide everyday my paths of righteousness